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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Sampi factory.

Export of Products

Export of Sampi products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Sampi products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Sampi: meters, flow calculators, pumping units with hydraulic motor, plate-rotary, plate-gate, plate-connecting rod pumps, accessories
  • Flow meters Sampi
    Flow meters
    MA-7, MA-15, SM5, etc.
  • Flow calculators Sampi
    Flow calculators
    TEX, LCR–TE550, etc.
  • Pumping units with hydraulic motor Sampi
    Pumping units with hydraulic motor
    OMR50, OMR80, etc.
  • Plate-rotor pumps Sampi
    Plate-rotor pumps
    RVP 20, RVP 25, RVP 30, etc.
  • Plate-gate pumps Sampi
    Plate-gate pumps
    CORKEN et al.
  • Plate-rod pumps Sampi
    Plate-rod pumps
    Z et al.
  • Refueling columns Sampi
    Refueling columns
    MA200-RK, MA300-RC, etc.
  • Pumping and measuring installations Sampi
    Pumping and measuring installations
    CPM 350, CPM 700, etc.
  • Drums for winding the hose Sampi
    Drums for winding the hose
    Horizontal, vertical, etc.
  • Accessories Sampi
    FA, LC, V, VP, etc.


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